I have decided to joing CSS and jump on Lupe's bandwagon or rather her tour bus and start dating music.
- It doesn't give you colds
- It takes you for walks
- It is there when you have to clean the house
- It talks nonsense often
- It can break your heart but then you can just skip along to the next track and all is better (great for someone as emotionally retarded as me)
- It can teach you
- It gets along with your friends
- It dances with you
- It makes you smile
Music took me on the best date yesterday. We walked to the botanical gardens, hunted for fairies and smelled flowers together. We then walked home and cooked dinner and cleaned up together. Contentment.
And your heart is like a garden
And your heart is in the cities
And your heart is confiscated
And your heart is on the table.