Monday, January 28, 2008


I left Havelock with:

- 36 sand fly bites
- 2 infected sand fly bites
- a grazed chin
- a grazed knee
- a toe leaking puss
- strange bruises
- new friendships
- a few old friendships cemented
- 1 broken heart
- a tan
- regrets
- and a few new words

I left Havelock without:

- 2 pairs of Havs
- a few tears
- my sarong and my favourite hat

So I am sitting on the ferry shoeless, choking back a few tears (hiding under the lifeboat – I am tres discreet) with a mindful of regrets and legs so itchy I want to scream.

Most of you are shaking your heads in disgust right now. Not Again! Right?
But this timeit was my own doing. All my own doing. So I will suffer in semi-silence. I promise.

I can also promise come September I will not be in Australia. I have plans people.

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