Thrown off the bus at 5am on some highway a fair way out of town as they forgot I was there and I was fast asleep. I did have the best overnight bus ride ever though. Sprawled out across the whole backseat. However, I did lose a book I had been enjoying - non fiction works by Salman Rushdie as they dragged me up the aisle.
Mamall: 1 - Susannah: 0
Eating bad fruit and curd and vomitting for half of my first day.
Mamall: 2 - Susannah: 0
Running into Asuka in an internet cafe and being introduced to a family that may have adopted her. Learning how to draw columns or rather, trying to learn how to draw columns and celebrating Pongal with them.
Mamall: 2 - Susannah: 1
Being hassalled continuously by the shop keepers who thought they were all more handsome than Fardeen Khan.
Mamall: 3 - Susannah: 1
Having the owner of a bookstore take us to visit one of the schools he helps fund. The kids rushed to meet us with their school bags and bright eyes - even though it was their day off. We chatted, drank tea, Asuka got to talk about favourite colours and I had to talk about cricket...
Mamall: 3 - Susannah: 2
So I am coming back, no? No.
On my way to catch the bus to Chennai I somehow 'lost' my wallet. Well that is what the Mamallapuram police report says. Lost! I was robbed bloody tuk tuk driver! I spent a few hours being yelled at my military uniformed, beret wearing policemen who carry big sticks (this makes me smirk).
Mamall: 6 - Susannah: 2
Walking from the police station to the same highway bus stand I was thrown off at.
Mamall: 7 - Susannah: 2
Having two drunk Indian boys try to feel me up on the two hour bus ride to Chennai when all I wanted to do was throw up and cry. Which I did in between yelling abuse in a variety languages.
Mamall: 8 - Susannah: 2
Being in Mamallapuram and no with my friends in Vattakinal.
Mamall: 100 - Susannah: 2
(Thank you Asuka for keeping me half sane)